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Posts tagged ‘Stress’

How Never To Be Late? Easy Steps On How To Tame Your Time.

For many of us, time management is a real challenge. Ask yourself: are you often late for appointments, or find that you often have to reschedule or cancel appointments? Do you find yourself rushing to the train or bus stop, only to get there just as your train is leaving the station? Do you feel “pressed” for time, and can’t find the space in your life to learn new skills, or simply can’t find the time to just sit back to relax? If this sounds at all like you, then reading this article will help shed light on this challenge.

A few years ago, like many of us, I was stressed-out, all day, every day, which led to extreme exhaustion. So, I decided to change my life. Then Neal Donald Walsch’s book, “Conversations with God” found it’s way into my life, and helped me understand some very important points about time:

  • I create my life — my reality — through my thoughts and emotions.
  • Time is not real. It was created so we can experience sequences of events in 3D.
  • There is no Future or Past. Everything happens here and now in the Present.
  • I am the creator of My Time. It is in my power to change HOW I experience my time.

This is an exciting concept! Being a practical person, I decided to use these concepts to help structure my daily routine — and to take a charge of my time. Here are two simple affirmations I adopted:

  • I am no longer wasting my time: every minute is precious and meaningful. I have complete control over my time!
    Up to this point my life was very chaotic. As a single mother, I was living minute-to-minute, day-by-day, and under enormous stress. I wanted to have a pleasant and beautiful life. So, it was time to change things, and I was eager to work with this concept, and looked forward to the results.
  • I am never late; I am always on time: It may seem like an over-simplification, but simply making these two statements and repeating them as affirmations transformed me into a person that is never late and always on time. I had attuned myself to the positive concept of time in a way that gave me control over the present. It was like I stepped over a barrier – from being a victim of time, to being in control. I was now one-step closer to my Vision of MY Ideal Life.

What happened then?

Instead of leaving everything up to the last-minute, I added a 15-minute buffer into my event scheduling. This sent a message to others that I am thoughtful and respectful of their time. By showing this love and respect to other people in this way, I showed them how much I cared about them, and that their time was valuable as well, and those feelings magnified and improved our relationship!

I decided to never run after train or bus that is leaving the station just as I arrive. This was the Universe’s way of telling me: “That is not your train!” This took a little getting used-to, but what a relief once I accepted this notion. And, since I had added the 15-minute buffer to my scheduling, those events very seldom repeated.

In any event, ‘my’ train came in even sooner then expected. And the wait-time gave me an opportunity to relax and BREATHE, and to reflect on the fact that “Everything is good for ME! All is well in my life”.

(“My” train was usually not crowded, had a nice, pleasant atmosphere and, of course the perfect seat was always available for ME!).

It took some time for me to reprogram my mindset, but by being diligent and keeping to a few, basic rules, I was soon more relaxed, and could clearly see how my negative, autopilot programming could be easily overcome.

Of course, the results weren’t immediate, and there were days when things didn’t work out as expected. But, I didn’t allow myself to be discouraged and used these experiences as learning tools. I realized that this is part of the process, and that making this kind of profound change will take some TIME. Sure enough, the next day would go smoothly. So, I learned some important truths about myself and how to make important changes stick.

“It is what it is…”

Now, when I miss my connection, or don’t get a seat on the train, I tell myself: “It is what it is. This will not interrupt my day, or my life. I have perfect timing!” And, it worked! Now, these events happen very rarely.

I don’t worry about being late!

But if I am late, there is usually a good reason for that, such as:

  • I am running too early for the meeting
  • I do not have to be on this bus, train, or plane
  • I do not have to meet this person
  • This is the wrong direction for me (physically or conceptually)

What a relief! Now, I don’t have to worry about being late. (I am not…; well, I am human.) When I am running late, I ask for Higher Forces to guide and protect me — to help me be on time. And so it seems every time I am late, (which is now very seldom), the next train is an express train, or the person I am meeting is also late, or the train arrives on time — despite all Laws of Physics!

Here’s an example of how I personally experienced time shrinking when I needed it to! (Remember: I create my life.) For example, I had started a new job, and because there was a misunderstanding about my start time, I found out after the fact that I would be late. This was thanks to my new manager who somehow realized that there may have been a miscommunication about my shift start time and called me. If she had not called me, I would not have known! So, I ran to the train, with only an hour to spare. The train, which normally takes an hour, makes its way in 40 minutes! So, I made it on time. It was like a miracle! A miracle I created by knowing I create my life, and I control, experience and manage MY TIME.

So, start practicing. Let me know how it is going. Have fun and enjoy YOUR TIME on this Planet!