How to open your potentials, make more money and achieve impossible goals.

Thank you for watching this video. I put my Soul and Heart into this video, please leave a comment or questions.

Be happy and rich!

How do i look? Leave a comment if you like my video. Thank you!

According to the Law of Attraction, we manifest and attract money through thoughts and feelings. (To learn more about The Law of Attraction, I highly recommend you watch the movie “The Secret” also, add to your reading list The Trilogy of Esther and Jerry Hicks: “The Law of Attraction”).

So, let’s talk about how you think of money. Since positive thinking manifests through what you think and say, positive thoughts and words about money manifest accordingly. Conversely, if you think you do not, or will not, have enough money, that manifests in your life as well.

In the process of wealth creation it is necessary to employ positive thinking. And even though you think about yourself as a rich person, and employ all affirmations possible, obstacles and incongruence may still negatively impact your financial situation.

Therefore, it is important to keep in mind the second part of The law of Attraction: how you feel about money, your emotional reaction to thoughts about receiving and having money, are sensed by your body, which is attracting and creating your current money situation.

And this part of the Law of Attraction is more important to remember, because your body is the magnet that attracts your wealth. Here’s why: only 5% of your mind is conscious — this is the thinking mind that you use to create affirmations; 95% of your mind is subconscious — it holds past memories of money-related trauma, failures, and forms your core belief about money.

This is your Money Blueprint. Your Money Blueprint is located in the cells of your body and is responsible for your current financial situation.

As you see, your body’s cells hold your “feelings about the money.” Therefore, the best way to change your finances should start from healing your body. Your body is the magnet that attracts money, success, relationships — all that surrounds you. The key to your success is in you (your body). Accessing your body’s information, (or, your Money Blueprint) enables you to release this negative information about money. This is essential to realizing your big dreams and ambitions.

This article is the first in a series that will help you learn how to use your body as the most magnificent tool of money attraction.

What follows is “The Money Meditation.” This energy work employs your chakras (learn more about chakras from my website, Chakras are the portals where energetic information enters the body; this energy is filtered according to your belief system; it is transported to its destination, where it assimilated; it then manifests on the physical level. Even if you know nothing about chakras, you will experience good results. Just follow the steps and allow your body to lead you through this meditation and show you where chakras are located.

The Money Meditation:

1. Sit in a comfortable chair. Relax.

2. Start to breathe with healing breaths: inhale trough the nose, exhale through the mouth, make the sound of the wind, pushing the air through the lips as you do when you say “O”. Keep breathing this way throughout the meditation.

3. Start to inhale into your 1st Chakra (the place where you sit). When you inhale, say to yourself:” I am inhaling money,” and when you exhale, say to yourself: “ I am exhaling the lack of money.” Keep breathing and saying these words, until you feel that your chakra has become full and heavy.

4. Repeat this step with all chakras:

· Second

· Third

· Lower Heart Chakra

· Heart Chakra

· Upper Heart Chakra

· Throat Chakra

· Sixth Chakra

· Crown Chakra

5. Recall the memory and feeling of having money. Put this feeling under your feet. Take a few, deep breaths (again, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth). Hold this feeling for a couple of minutes.

6. Extend the feeling of having money to the Center of the Earth. Take a few deep breaths (again, breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth). Hold the feeling for a few minutes. Enjoy. Be happy.

7. Focus your attention at the tailbone. Relax.

8. Observe your body. Feel your money!!!

Congratulations! You just programmed your body to receive money. Do this meditation every week, along with the weekly planning of the financial goals you desire.

Good luck! As always, please leave your comments or questions — I love to hear your stories!

I’ve got so excited when i found this article on Facebook!This is a scientific evidence and confirmation that Quantum Healing works with the cellular memories or bank of information, stored in our DNA in form of energy. Any emotional trauma, negative beliefs and attitudes, pain, addictions or depression are manifestation and reflection of these energies – files of information. Quantum healing is a process of movement of the energy at the root cause of any issue,physical,emotional or financial. The Quantum Healing is a key or a tool to change our genetic information, release old negative patterns and programs,therefore to change ourselves. Welcome to the Golden Era of opening human potentials!

There is always higher level,where you can go. There is more what you can achieve.
I love success. After many years of confusion and failures I understood that success needs to be cherished and appreciated. Every day should be celebrated and I have to honor myself for each small little success. I need to acknowledge my successes,so i can see and feel that i am successful!
Today i am celebrating my success and a great success of my client, Ralph Liberto. It is not just simple testimonial, it is a Victory of The Spirit. Ralph, despite all circumstances,doubts and fears had WON.
What I love about my business that i help people to achieve impossible goals and open up possibilities to create the best life scenario. I am proud of Ralph Liberto, I am proud of myself. We did it!!!
Thank you for joining us in our celebration of Life and the Victory of Spirit. It is wonderful!
Alexandra Tselouiko,RN,AADP,the creator of the Money Blueprint Transformation Program

The Money Blueprint Transformation Program Testimonial of Ralph Liberto

“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”

Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933);
Author, Educator, Clergyman

From Mr. Van Dyke’s quote, we can easily deduce the following:
Time is relative.
Time is important.
Time is valuable.
Time is an asset.
We can also see that we determine our relationship to Time through our thoughts and feelings. The following two questions will help to assess how you relate to Time:

  • Can you readily proclaim: “I have plenty of time to get what I want?”
  • Or, are you more likely to proclaim: “I don’t have enough time to …”?

… and, it’s from this point that we will pick up from the conversation about time that was the subject of my last article “How never to be late. Easy steps to tame your time.”
As you become increasingly aware of your own powers as the creator of your life and reality, you learn more about the Law of Attraction. You start to pay attention to your choice of words and the statements you make – particularly regarding life’s important issues.
The Law of Attraction states: “You attract into your life that which you think, say, and feel.” Or “What you give, you receive!” So, to get a better sense of what you are communicating to the Universe regarding Time, let’s take a close look at your time-related declarations. For example, how often during a 30-day period do you state: “I don’t have time for…”?
IMPORTANT! Please, do not make this statement!
REMEMBER: What you say, you attract! So, whenever you are thinking about time related-issues, and you start to hear that thought forming in your mind, stop it before it gets to your tongue! You’re probably thinking: “easier said than done!” So, here’s what you should do instead.

How to make time work for you, not against you.
Following are a few simple guidelines I have developed to work with time-related issues, and to make time work for me.

  • Be mindful of your what you say and how you say it (your choice of words, your intentions).
  • Establish a positive relationship with time. Create your own positive affirmation about time — or use one of mine (these affirmations provide me all the time I need, and changed my attitude from “have not,” to “have in abundance!”).

“I am always on time.” (See the previous article about being late).

“I am perfectly attuned to time.”

In other words, I am attuned to my time: I am on time, in time, beyond time; everything I do is timed correctly; I have faith that I do everything at the right moment in my life.

It’s amazing the way this works! Most of the time, when I look at the clock, it’s either ‘on the hour’ (for example 5:00, 3:00, 12:00) or, it’s showing a sequence of identical numbers, (for example, 1:11, 11:11, 12:12, 5:55 and so on). Interesting, right?

  • Give yourself a moment before responding to an invitation. If someone invites you to an event, workout session, or whatever, how should you respond? Do you reflexively think, “I haven’t the time”? Take a minute to get your thoughts together. Just wait, take a breath, and don’t respond. Meanwhile, ask yourself: “Can this be an opportunity for me to gain or experience something wonderful? Can it be for my Highest Good?”

If you don’t feel that it is right for you, and you feel completely negative about the invitation – firmly say “No, but thank you very much for asking,” and tactfully end the conversation. It’s as simple as that. There is no need to waste time giving excuses or explanations. Don’t let your concerns about their ‘feelings’ force you into the apologetic mode. You are actually saving their time by giving a straight answer, and you will be doing both yourselves a favor.

If you feel, on the other hand, that accepting this invitation might be interesting or useful, respond by saying: “I need more time to think about it.” Mark it on your calendar with a question (?) mark. Revisit this question (?) the same day, and/or the next day, and again, ask yourself: “Can this be a wonderful opportunity that might change my life?” “Can this possibly enable me to make more money, save more money, meet friends, have fun, travel, etc.?”

You will never know, unless you give yourself the chance to think about it — give yourself a chance to use your intuition. Be open and expect great things to come on your way!

Think about time as a personal asset. Time is money. Remember, if you state: “I don’t have the time,” you will lose this important asset. Acknowledge the power of words. Use them wisely.
My affirmation about this is “ I have all the time in the World!”
Use this while you are training your mind to overcome your old, reflexive intentions. Be persistent and patient with yourself. Give yourself time to harvest the benefits. They will come soon enough.
Finally, ask yourself: “I think that I don’t have time. Is that so…? Or I do?” What do you know about time? What are the possibilities that you can create more time in your life? So, keep open mind and accept the concept that “I have time.” Because you do.
And, please read my next article, entitled: “How To Get More Out of Life?”
And, enjoy your time on this Planet!

For many of us, time management is a real challenge. Ask yourself: are you often late for appointments, or find that you often have to reschedule or cancel appointments? Do you find yourself rushing to the train or bus stop, only to get there just as your train is leaving the station? Do you feel “pressed” for time, and can’t find the space in your life to learn new skills, or simply can’t find the time to just sit back to relax? If this sounds at all like you, then reading this article will help shed light on this challenge.

A few years ago, like many of us, I was stressed-out, all day, every day, which led to extreme exhaustion. So, I decided to change my life. Then Neal Donald Walsch’s book, “Conversations with God” found it’s way into my life, and helped me understand some very important points about time:

  • I create my life — my reality — through my thoughts and emotions.
  • Time is not real. It was created so we can experience sequences of events in 3D.
  • There is no Future or Past. Everything happens here and now in the Present.
  • I am the creator of My Time. It is in my power to change HOW I experience my time.

This is an exciting concept! Being a practical person, I decided to use these concepts to help structure my daily routine — and to take a charge of my time. Here are two simple affirmations I adopted:

  • I am no longer wasting my time: every minute is precious and meaningful. I have complete control over my time!
    Up to this point my life was very chaotic. As a single mother, I was living minute-to-minute, day-by-day, and under enormous stress. I wanted to have a pleasant and beautiful life. So, it was time to change things, and I was eager to work with this concept, and looked forward to the results.
  • I am never late; I am always on time: It may seem like an over-simplification, but simply making these two statements and repeating them as affirmations transformed me into a person that is never late and always on time. I had attuned myself to the positive concept of time in a way that gave me control over the present. It was like I stepped over a barrier – from being a victim of time, to being in control. I was now one-step closer to my Vision of MY Ideal Life.

What happened then?

Instead of leaving everything up to the last-minute, I added a 15-minute buffer into my event scheduling. This sent a message to others that I am thoughtful and respectful of their time. By showing this love and respect to other people in this way, I showed them how much I cared about them, and that their time was valuable as well, and those feelings magnified and improved our relationship!

I decided to never run after train or bus that is leaving the station just as I arrive. This was the Universe’s way of telling me: “That is not your train!” This took a little getting used-to, but what a relief once I accepted this notion. And, since I had added the 15-minute buffer to my scheduling, those events very seldom repeated.

In any event, ‘my’ train came in even sooner then expected. And the wait-time gave me an opportunity to relax and BREATHE, and to reflect on the fact that “Everything is good for ME! All is well in my life”.

(“My” train was usually not crowded, had a nice, pleasant atmosphere and, of course the perfect seat was always available for ME!).

It took some time for me to reprogram my mindset, but by being diligent and keeping to a few, basic rules, I was soon more relaxed, and could clearly see how my negative, autopilot programming could be easily overcome.

Of course, the results weren’t immediate, and there were days when things didn’t work out as expected. But, I didn’t allow myself to be discouraged and used these experiences as learning tools. I realized that this is part of the process, and that making this kind of profound change will take some TIME. Sure enough, the next day would go smoothly. So, I learned some important truths about myself and how to make important changes stick.

“It is what it is…”

Now, when I miss my connection, or don’t get a seat on the train, I tell myself: “It is what it is. This will not interrupt my day, or my life. I have perfect timing!” And, it worked! Now, these events happen very rarely.

I don’t worry about being late!

But if I am late, there is usually a good reason for that, such as:

  • I am running too early for the meeting
  • I do not have to be on this bus, train, or plane
  • I do not have to meet this person
  • This is the wrong direction for me (physically or conceptually)

What a relief! Now, I don’t have to worry about being late. (I am not…; well, I am human.) When I am running late, I ask for Higher Forces to guide and protect me — to help me be on time. And so it seems every time I am late, (which is now very seldom), the next train is an express train, or the person I am meeting is also late, or the train arrives on time — despite all Laws of Physics!

Here’s an example of how I personally experienced time shrinking when I needed it to! (Remember: I create my life.) For example, I had started a new job, and because there was a misunderstanding about my start time, I found out after the fact that I would be late. This was thanks to my new manager who somehow realized that there may have been a miscommunication about my shift start time and called me. If she had not called me, I would not have known! So, I ran to the train, with only an hour to spare. The train, which normally takes an hour, makes its way in 40 minutes! So, I made it on time. It was like a miracle! A miracle I created by knowing I create my life, and I control, experience and manage MY TIME.

So, start practicing. Let me know how it is going. Have fun and enjoy YOUR TIME on this Planet!

Why do you earn less money than you think you are deserving?
What Money Blueprint do you have?
What is the real origin of money problem?

Click here to download FREE e-book
“Your money, your life… or how to open up human potentials.”
Please share with me your thoughts and ideas. I love your comments!

A few years ago I decided to improve my financial situation. I made a commitment to do everything possible – and impossible – to attain financial freedom and happiness. One of my major concerns was how and where to find the extra time to achieve these goals? How would I find the time to accomplish so much: start up a new business — run that business – and yet have time for the things I like to do?

Being a single mother presented it’s own challenges. I had two lives to care for – my daughter’s and mine. So I had to simultaneously manage my parental duties while achieving career success. It was clear that for me success would require self-education: reading, workshop attendance, research, a business plan etc. So, finding extra time in my busy schedule was essential.

As a Holistic Nurse and Energy Healer I developed my own concept of Time (please read my previous article: “How Never To Be Late?easy steps to tame your time”.This concept would help me move forward and create the life that I envisioned. After years of research, energy healing discoveries, and experience, I managed to organize my life in such way that I now have time for my practice, my business, family fun — and to prepare for bigger projects. Here are some of the points I discovered about making extra time.

1. Educate yourself. Research time management techniques for the most successful professionals. Investigate how these individuals run giant corporations, manage huge projects, and yet have quality time to spend with their families. Ask them directly when you have the opportunity. People like Donald Trump, Robert Kyosaki, Raymond Aaron, and JTFoxx love to share their experience and insights.

2. Analyze your schedule. If you are searching for extra time without day planning, then I strongly suggest you start. If you are already using a day planner, analyze your past month’s schedule and determine where and why you hadn’t achieved your goals? Where were you losing time?
For example, I spend 3 hours commuting to and from work! And I would much rather use this time for something that would help me get ahead. How important is this? Critically important! I want to start changing my life now, so I looked for ways to make my commute productive. How? By reading a book about time management while commuting! And working on next month’s plan while investigating ways to shorten my commute – maybe a new apartment that’s closer to work, or job location closer to where I currently live.

“I am open and trust to the Universe that such changes are possible, and will happen to me if it serves my Highest Good.” (Use this affirmation to activate the Law of Attraction).

3. Create Release from Time Management Obstacles. Define Time Management Obstacles. Prioritize each obstacle, (High, Medium, Low) – and define each solution. Then establish dates for taking the first step. (I use the program by Raymond Aaron to help manage these tasks).
This plan will enable you to systematically resolve issues that are wasting time and distracting you from your goals.

4. Plan your day, week, month, and year, 5-years and then life (read the previous article about life planning: “How to find extra time in your life?” ). When you plan your future, you activate the Law of Attraction. You send a message to the Universe that you want these things in your life, making them a reality.

5. Stick to your plan. Make the plan you made in step 4 your priority. Avoid being sidetracked or allowing other events to prevent you from carrying out your plan.

Remember: time is money. Therefore, time is as an asset. So start thinking about the benefits that you can reap if you invest this asset wisely. Put time to work for you. Respect time as you respect your life, and you will increase the dividends paid by both. Manage time wisely, and realize that you can create more time as a result (spend money to make money). Thoughtfully choose how you spend time, and you will increase the possibility of achieving success.

And, thank you for spending your valuable time to read this article. I know you will agree that is was time well spent! As always, I look forward to your comments, questions, success stories, and…

Enjoy you time on this Planet!

A few years ago, on my birthday, I had panic attack. The realization that I am growing older and have not achieved anything BIG made me feel very anxious. I also felt that I have much more to say. Still, I had Big Dreams and plans for the future, and I realized that they would require years of passionate work and dedication. So, I panicked when I asked: “Am I going to have enough time to complete all my projects?” …and: “Will I be able to have time to enjoy life, travel, relax and just breathe?” I panicked because it was scary for me to realize that I hadn’t achieved my dreams and haven’t enjoyed life in the way that I hoped. I panicked because I felt that time was passing me by, so I pushed myself even harder. But the ever-present feeling that time was slipping away increased the panic I felt. Right after that birthday, I received a nice gift – a book about life planning (I ask the authors’ forgiveness, I do not remember your names and the name of book). But this book had valuable information that helped me see my goals and tasks from another perspective and ask: “How many years do I need to achieve my goals?” To help answer that question, the authors presented a simple exercise for life planning. I had never done life planning. Nobody thought me to plan my life. In fact, the idea of planning my distant future seemed absurd. How was I to know what is going to happen in 10 years, 20 years, and beyond. How can I be expected to predict how much money am I going to make? Up to that point all I knew came from my family and society. And it boiled down to a simple formula: graduate college, get married and have kids. This was the recipe for happiness that was passed on to me. However, it didn’t work out that way. I was not happy. I felt that there was something missing. I felt a strong inner desire to do something important, to be truly loved and appreciated. It took years before I recognized this and to discover what exactly I want to accomplish. So, the idea of life planning made great sense, which was compounded by the fact that I discovered it at a time of self-discovery. Here is this exercise: Write down your life achievements and your dreams’ fulfillments for every five years of your life starting from the present. So, for example, starting from today: By year five my business will be well established, I will own a home, travel to Turkey and see the Pyramids in Egypt; By year ten I will earn one million dollars and achieve financial freedom, travel to India, China and Africa, and start singing lessons; By year fifteen my book will be on the bestseller list, etc. Of course I also included my personal goals on the list. However, when I finished the list, I was only at age 65. In other words, I can accomplish my Big Dreams and still have an extra 20 to 30, maybe more years of my life left! I discovered my extra time! Wow! This exercise was a true revelation to me. The perspective I gained gave me the confidence to go forward and understand that somehow, someday, I am going to make it and be where I want to be! It made me feel like my plans were real, that I had made tangible goals that are going to happen, no matter what. All that was needed was for me to be open and allow myself these experiences in my lifetime. This was to be my Master Plan for my life, my best scenario, that I knew would manifest, according The Law of Attraction. To do this, all I had to do was step away from my family’s “recipe for happiness:” graduate college, be a good mom, a good wife – just far enough so that I could take a good, deep look inside myself and ask two simple questions: “What do I really want for myself?” “How can I make myself happy?” The result was that I learned how to love myself, and respect my deepest needs and desires. I swore to myself that I would do my best to make this little girl (me) very happy! I decided to trust to the Universe that everything is going to be just fine. In addition, I will enjoy my life, starting now, because there is a plenty of time to fulfill my dreams! There is no need to rush things: I am starting to live my best life scenario now. (These are affirmations helping to reprogram your life). Thank you for reading this article. I hope you enjoyed it, in addition to my three previous articles about time and time management. I love to hear your opinions and stories, so please send your comments, questions and suggestions.

Be happy and enjoy your time on this Planet!

I am searching for time. Day after day I look for the answer to the questions:

“How can I be stress-free in my busy, crazy life?” “How can I find more time so that I don’t feel the need to run and rush all the time?” In two of my previous articles I cover the issues of “lacking time”.”How to have enough time ti live your life the fullest?” and “How never to be late?”. As I dug deeper into my understanding of the concepts of Time, and the big picture of my life, I had to ask: “How much time do we really have?” If we imagine that we have all the Time in the World (which we have), then why are we running? What is the rush? During a very stressful time in my life, when I was overwhelmed with the duties of being a single mother — I longed for peace. You know, the peace and silence that comes when there is no need to rush and run, like when you are hiking in the woods, or sleeping the night away in a country village. You just enjoy the silence. Nothing else. I wanted that peace, so in the middle of Times Square I would be able to feel like I was in the middle of that forest — nothingness and peace — just tune into the music playing in my head — no worries, no rush. Deep down in my core I hold the memory of this peace. It may come from my early childhood, it may come from past lives — but I know that it is possible and essentially necessary for me to BE in this state of peace and nothingness. I now know that it requires deep trust of the Universe, Life, and myself — that everything is going to be just fine — I have plenty of time. I gained this level of understanding as the result of a near death experience. Three years ago I was in hospital, bleeding internally, and the doctors had difficulty stopping the bleeding. This was the result of being tired and overstressed, I gave up fighting, and I was on the verge of a complete physical and emotional breakdown. When I got back from the hospital, I had the most enlightened month of my life. My body was weak and every breath required a conscious effort. But I felt ALIVE as never before. I had a clear head; so I immersed myself in the feelings and sensations surrounding me, appreciating the Gift of Life as I never had before. “Why run, why rush, if we already possess everything we need to enjoy life?” My life is happening in the here and now. I listen to my heart, feel my breath, see the Sunlight, and proclaim: “I am alive, I live!” — It’s wonderful! This perspective gave me the peace and confidence I needed to move forward, and to understand that somehow and someday I am going to make it and be where I want to be! I decided to put my trust in the Universe that everything will be just fine, happen at the right moment and at the right time; so I vow to enjoy my life, starting right now — because there is plenty of time!

We all know that money is important. We need money to buy food, pay the rent, have transportation, etc.  And we have all faced the problems that money shortages bring, as individuals, families, communities, and more. So, I asked myself: “What does it take to attract more money? And what prevents its abundant flow?” The answers to these questions can help change your life. My thoughts and experience working with the “energy of money” and the Law of Attraction will provide real, tangible results and immediately improve your‘bottom line.’

1.    Money is energy. When you work at whatever it is you do, you are dedicating your efforts, time, talent, sweat and blood to create products or services. This dedication of effort can be seen as the energy of love, because your true intent is inspired by the love and goodness you feel  for the people that matter most to you.
In other words, money is simply a way to measure your efforts and successes. The energy of money as a ‘thing’ itself is a neutral force — neither good nor bad.The meaning you attach to money stems from your cultural background, patterns developed in your personal life, and the successes or failures you have experienced. Knowing that money in this sense has an energetic quality enables you to take advantage of different tools to increase the flow of money, and in crease your ability to attract the money you need, and deserve.

2. Today’s topic is: “Why do I need money?”The usual answers are to pay the rent, or mortgage, and to buy food and clothes.These are the basic things we all need. However, in the order to increase money attraction, you must dig deeper. If you restrict yourself to the basic needs required for survival, you limit your real potential. To realize your full potential to attract money, you must ask: “What do I want in my life, and how much will it take to achieve these goals?”
The Law of Attraction defines the Universe as a ‘copy machine’ that reflects your thoughts and feelings, so it provides accordingly. In other words, the Universe loves and pleases you as you love and please yourself. Happy thoughts and emotions manifest positive feedback. Being HAPPY is an essential element of the process of positive attraction. Here are some tips you can use to elevate your “money energy“ to a much higher, rewarding level.

Change your priorities. Your happiness should be the primary driver. When you plan your budget, make having fun and achieving personal satisfaction your primary goal.

My mentor, Raymond Aaron has a great exercise to help you create an exciting life, a life in which you focus on doing what you love. Ask a cherished friendor loved one to help you with this. It’s pretty simple, really. Have themrepeatedly ask you: “What do you love? What do you love?” Have them do thisquickly and repeatedly, so you don’t have time to think about the ‘right’answer. When you have done this for 5 minutes, make a list of your loves: eating,swimming, shopping, flowers, whatever. Have fun with this! You should end upwith a list of 20 things you ‘love.’
Then ask yourself: “when was the last time I experienced these ‘loves’? Whendo I plan to experience them again? What do these ‘loves’ mean to me? How much money do I need to experience them? And finally, what is the first step I need to take to get there?”  I love this exercise, because it clarifies your ‘picture’ of your life and helps lead you to find ways to love yourself even more.
3.Celebrate every success, every payday, and every reward. This will create more excitement surrounding the act of creating abundance, and again, the Universe will respond in kind. Jump, laugh, kiss your reward, and share your joy with friends and loved ones, screaming aloud “I love what I have achieved!” Always keep in mind that this positive focus on your achievements is a powerful tool that will help to attract even more abundance. (I like Marcy Smirnoff’s book, “Happiness without Reason” – it provides wonderful suggestions to help achieve a happy state of being, and increase your ability to attract more of what you want in life).
4.  Donald Trump said: “Dream big,” and correctly so; you should take advantage of your innate abilityto ‘create’ your world. Do you have a dream? Something extraordinary and beautiful?If you don’t – start dreaming immediately! You can make your dreams realities, and I have a method to ensure they come true!

First, ask yourself “what do I really, really want? What are my deepest need sand desires?” Write down your answers on a slip of paper, along with the month,day and year you plan on, sign it, and then put the slip of paper in that special place where you keep important things. Your written request to the Universe will start to unfold at that very moment.

Second, think about the first step that you can and will to do to achieve your dreams,even if it seems like a tiny little thing, like asking other people, or doing a Google search. Just do it! When you collect this information, you will have taken the second step.

Now, repeat step one, over and over until you make it happen. Create a lifeplan, an annual plan, a monthly plan, and a daily plan – those small steps that will help you achieve your big dreams, transforming them into an achievable goal. Trust me, you’ll get where you want to be much sooner than you think!

5.   The energy of Love and Happiness is much stronger and more influential in your life than fears and worries. Just trust yourself and you will achieve amazing results – the happy little gifts of life. Remember – fears and worries about money are only as real as you choose to make them. They are just energy,programs imprinted throughout your body since early childhood. You have the power to choose not to be worried and afraid. If you feel the need to overcome these obstacles, please contact me for a free session. I will help you locate your body’s energetic barriers that prevent you from achieving the abundance you deserve, and help you eliminate your fears and worries in just minutes.
Don’t worry, be happy!
Please leave your comments and questions – I will happily lend you personal “money energy” healing advice!

The 2006 movie The Secret, based on Rhonda Byrne’s book about the Law of Attraction, both amazed and astonished me. It was a wonderful gift to each of us — precious knowledge on the workings of the Universe. We learned that as ‘magnets,’ what we feel — and what we think – is attracted to us, and thus manifests in our lives.  And we were inspired by the miraculous stories of people who consciously ‘use’ their mind to attract money and become very successful in a short period of time.
Today The Secret is well known (not a secret anymore). Many people, myself included, use this knowledge with amazing results. Many business owners utilize the law of Attraction as a powerful tool, helping their companies attract more clients and achieve higher goals. My mentor, Jim Alvino, the founder of, one of the most highly accomplished and successful coaches in this area, works with New Age entrepreneurs, helping them integrate The Law of Attraction in a way that achieves amazing results.
The Law of Attraction is a simple concept: that upon which we focus our attention is brought into our lives. So, in order to manifest money and abundance, we have to focus on money — focus attention on actions that sends a clear message to the Universe: “I am ready to receive more.” What follows are 10 Focus Points about how to attract more money into your life by integrating the Law of Attraction when dealing with money issues. These come from my personal experience, and from the experience of well-known millionaires and educators Robert Kyosaky and Raymond Aaron.

1.     Focus on the dream! The very popular Russian fairytale “Buratino,” (the Russian version of “Pinocchio”) provides an excellent example of how to focus on money. Wishing to grow a money tree, Buratino planted gold coins. He watered his coins well, waited, and ‘wished’ his money tree would grow. Well, Buratino got his money tree, and much more!
2.     Focus on attraction! “What we think – we attract!” states the Law of Attraction. So, what do you think about when you think about money? Do you worry that you do not have enough? Do you think that you can’t afford things that you would like and want to have? Are you using expressions such as:  “I don’t have money!” or, “ I won’t be able to get this amount,” or, “This is too expensive!” This sort of negative focus brings negative results: lack of money. If instead you focus on thinking positively and making positive statements: “ I am able to have this amount,” or, “I can afford it.” Think of it as playing a mind game, but in a good sense. If you mentally ‘turn’ around the situation you want changed, within a month you’ll witness real, monetary benefits.
3.     Focus on change! All major changes in life start identity shifts. All the world’s a stage, 
and all the men and women merely players; – As You Like It, William Shakespeare. Time to change your play. Think about yourself: How do I relate to money? Then write your affirmations down on paper: “I have a lot of money,” and, “I am rich,” and, “I Iove my money;” repeat them often and feel it in your bones. Get used to your new identity.
4.     Focus on the Universe! Give the Universe more details and exact numbers. “By the end of next month I am making $200.00 more,” and, “By the end of this month, I  increase sales by 20%.” When you assign numbers to your plan, even if they sound unrealistic, you ‘allow’ yourself to receive these wonderful numbers.
5.     Focus on Fun! Have fun with this game. Focus on the happy expectations of the fortune to come.Feel happy now,at this moment,that your money are coming any minute. Get excited when you expect money, happy when you receive it. We all are like children, so why not enjoy?
6.     Focus on organization! Clean up any financial disarray. Any disarray withholds the abundance energy flow.
7.     Focus on clearing any debts you have, pay attention to the bank statements, and take control your money situation. Resolve any transactions that mistakenly made against your bank account or credit card — love your money, and respect every penny, and yourself.
8.     Focus on your cash flow! Keep track of your monthly income expenses. Use Quicken or Quick books for your financial statements.
9.     Focus on Education! Educate yourself constantly about financial literacy and taxes, and learn how to save or make more money. I love the books of Robert Kyosaky, Donald Trump, and Raymond Aaron; read them all and the others that come your way and speak to your heart.
10.  Focus your children’s attention to money! Help give your children the tools to enable them to control their cash flow. An enjoyable activity is to play the game “Cash flow” created by Robert Kyosaki. The best way to learn something is to do it or play with it. In this way you are giving your children a positive attitude about money, which will help them become successful in the future.

You may have heard many of these tips. But, are you integrating them into your life, or is something holding you back? The following questions will help shine a light on the problem areas:

        Do you feel suddenly tired or even exhausted when you read your bills or financial statements?
        Do you feel sleepy while reading this article?
        Do you feel confused and unfocused when doing financial planning or when trying to resolve financial problems?
        Do you feel annoyed or irritated when you read financial information or account information?
        Do you procrastinate your monthly financial balancing and planning for the next month?
If your answer is “yes” to at least two of these questions, than your Money Blueprint – the system of core beliefs about money and your material well being, imprinted on your cellular memory in early childhood — has a negative subconscious core belief: “It is not safe for me to focus on money”. Your body is programmed to protect you from the danger of “focusing on money”, thus you can experience fear, confusion, and procrastination when you focus on money related issues. This is a big obstacle standing in the road to your success, because it’s triggering this powerful survival mechanism. As a result, you may manifest circumstances that distract you from dealing with your money related issues.
There is a solution for this problem! In just minutes you can eliminate this core belief with the help of Quantum Healing; I offer a free session that will enable you to experience a Quantum Energy Transformation release, find out more about the Money BlueprintTransformation Program and the ways how you can activate your potential, and open up possibilities to attract more money and success. Call me today: 347-325-2794.
Love, Alexandra

I am a nurse. I  always was looking for an answer:” Why we are getting sick?  Diseases, addictions, aging – where are  they coming from?”
As a student of the Moscow Medical Academy, I saw unhappy faces some of my teachers. I felt their hopelessness. I felt they   are not happy because they can not  always save a patients lives, even  if they do their best. Seeing this moved me to seek solution outside of medical field. I was seeking the answer outside of the box.The concept that everything is energy made me believe in a possibility that energy healing can bring a results that western medicine is unable to achieve.
Energy is an information. Information creates programs. Programs are running our life: death and birth, aging, puberty, metabolism or how to build our body from one cell . These programs are located in DNA of the cell. We run behavioral programs – in every day life our subconscious mind operates with old memories and beliefs from the past 95% of our lifetime.  All these programs are energy! I thought: If we can learn how to work with Energy – we will get a key to the Cure of many health conditions and as well behavioral programs, such as for example, an addictions.
I knew, this key, something very simple and attainable for everyone should exist. Three years ago, I met Joshua Bloom,the creator of the Quantum Healing at the New York Life EXPO. We bumped to each other 3 times during the show. Not consider this as a coincidence I decided to see his presentation. In 2 minutes, Joshua helped middle-aged man to release emotional trauma he suffered for a long time. He invited this man to place himself in his happiest day so he will feel strong to face this trauma. Then he asked him to take a few deep breaths. Room became cold. Something was going on… Man had changed skin color and his face looked softer and more peaceful.He exclaimed that he feels no trauma. It was a miracle!
I thought: this is IT! I want it! I took a course  of Quantum Energy Transformation and  become  a certified Quantum Energy Transformation practitioner. Learning Quantum Healing from Joshua Bloom is a Blessing. My life changed dramatically since I started to use Quantum Healing for myself in every day of my life  and for my clients (read my story on  www.
How does it work? What is Quantum Healing?
Quantum Healing is a process that allows moving energy in the body at the root of any issue, physical or emotional. By use of breathing and entrainment to stimulate the movement of the energy at the cellular level of the body. Body enters into the natural healing state called Growth, which allows body to heal itself instantly from pain, migraine, allergy, emotional trauma, anxiety, fears and phobias, addictions, depression, lack of energy, relationship problems, carrier obstacles and money problems.
 Learn about Quantum Healing from the movie  “The Ultimate  Answer is inside…”

To shop:
Quantum Energy Transformation is  my life style. It opens my body  and mind to the new possibilities. Being Quantum means leave life in the state where you can handle any problem and become unstoppable and strong. This is an opportunity to change yourself and create a person you want to be; release  programs and energies that lay within your body: fears, beliefs and attitudes that don’t serve anymore your life purpose. Discover for yourself what does it mean to be Quantum. Ask yourself, what are my possibilities?

I am a nurse. I  always was looking for an answer:” Why we are getting sick?  Diseases, addictions, aging – where are  they coming from?”

As a student of the Moscow Medical Academy, I saw unhappy faces some of my teachers. I felt their hopelessness. I felt they   are not happy because they can not  always save a patients lives, even  if they do their best. Seeing this moved me to seek solution outside of medical field. I was seeking the answer outside of the box.The concept that everything is energy made me believe in a possibility that energy healing can bring a results that western medicine is unable to achieve.

Energy is an information. Information creates programs. Programs are running our life: death and birth, aging, puberty, metabolism or how to build our body from one cell . These programs are located in DNA of the cell. We run behavioral programs – in every day life our subconscious mind operates with old memories and beliefs from the past 95% of our lifetime.  All these programs are energy! I thought: If we can learn how to work with Energy – we will get a key to the Cure of many health conditions and as well behavioral programs, such as for example, an addictions.

I knew, this key, something very simple and attainable for everyone should exist. Three years ago, I met Joshua Bloom,the creator of the Quantum Healing at the New York Life EXPO. We bumped to each other 3 times during the show. Not consider this as a coincidence I decided to see his presentation. In 2 minutes, Joshua helped middle-aged man to release emotional trauma he suffered for a long time. He invited this man to place himself in his happiest day so he will feel strong to face this trauma. Then he asked him to take a few deep breaths. Room became cold. Something was going on… Man had changed skin color and his face looked softer and more peaceful.He exclaimed that he feels no trauma. It was a miracle!

I thought: this is IT! I want it! I took a caurse  of Quantum Energy Transformation and  become  a certified Quantum Energy Transformation practitioner. Learning Quantum Healing from Joshua Bloom is a Blessing. My life changed dramatically since I started to use Quantum Healing for myself in every day of my life  and for my clients (read my story on  www.

How does it work? What is Quantum Healing?

Quantum Healing is a process that allows moving energy in the body at the root of any issue, physical or emotional. By use of breathing and entrainment to stimulate the movement of the energy at the cellular level of the body. Body enters into the natural healing state called Growth, which allows body to heal itself instantly from pain, migraine, allergy, emotional trauma, anxiety, fears and phobias, addictions, depression, lack of energy, relationship problems, carrier obstacles and money problems.

To shop:

Quantum Energy Transformation is  my life style. It opens my body  and mind to the new possibilities. Being Quantum means leave life in the state where you can handle any problem and become unstoppable and strong. This is an opportunity to change yourself and create a person you want to be; release  programs and energies that lay within your body: fears, beliefs and attitudes that don’t serve anymore your life purpose. Discover for yourself what does it mean to be Quantum. Ask yourself, what are my possibilities?

Are you one of the jobless millions, a victim of layoffs, downsizing, outsourcing, or discrimination? Then you likely are going through the stages of the Kübler-Ross Model of Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. This is a normal, well-known process for those facing catastrophic loss, and for too many of us, job loss is high on that list these days. Repeated experiences of these types of losses bring about cycles of the KRM that become overwhelming, further complicating finding a path to stability.

The Question

Regardless of whether you have a job or not, most of us are generally concerned about our future. Not a day passes when you — or someone you know — looses their home, declares bankruptcy, is beset with skyrocketing medical insurance costs, or worse. Those of us in the 99% income segment are often just one-step away from financial catastrophe. And the question we are each asking is: “how can I ensure stability amidst this growing turmoil and uncertainty?”

The Answer

The answer starts with a process of gaining the type of stability that comes with being ‘at peace’ with who you are. Once you engage this process you are ready to move past the KRM fifth stage of ‘Acceptance,’ out of that vicious cycle, and into a world full of new chances, new hopes — and yes — new shoes! (more on that later).

My Story – “The New Shoes Diary”

My story is a great example of how this process of gaining stability works. Often throughout my life, I have been victimized by these vicious cycles. Fortunately I recently discovered an amazing technique to become ‘at peace’ with myself, and gain real, lasting stability. Here’s my story:

In 2009 I got fired, dismissed, or downsized from no fewer than five jobs over the course of one year! I was desperate, willing to do anything just to make money. My misplaced hope was that just by making money I would be able to buy time to discover a means to bring joy into my life. 

But after loosing my fifth job, I gave up. That day I made the fateful decision to focus only on work I love. On that same day I found a job — and was hired on the spot! Even though the salary was less than a third of what I earned in my previous positions, I decided to be patient and work on improving my income. As it worked out, that fateful decision helped determine my true life’s purpose: creating my own opportunity, and developing a business plan that would enable me to rise above — and forever end — the constant boom-bust and victimization cycle that besets many of us.

Two years later I created the Money Blueprint Transformation Program. I found my talent in helping people to move forward with their career or businesses by tapping into my gift as a healer. It clicked! It brought me happiness, success, and peace – in ways I have never before experienced. So here is what I learned:

True success — and real wealth — comes when you are aligned with your true-life purpose.

Many of us know, or have heard about, how truly successful people claim that their success resulted from pursuing their passion — doing what they love and aligning their daily life with their life’s purpose. So, here’s the part about the shoes: life’s purpose is like a pair of shoes – a pair of shoes custom-made specifically for you. They fit so well that you can run a marathon in them yet your feet never tire; and they are absolutely gorgeous to boot (LOL)!

So it’s no accident that when you are wearing these shoes you feel at once powerful, tireless, beautiful, and energized. And this is magnified by the effect on the people around you, who are happy to be in your presence, and like a magnificent mirror, reflect and intensify your beauty, energy and joy. These are priceless shoes, beyond value – and because of that they make you feel infinitely valuable, and important, and even two inches taller as you glide down the street on a cushion of boundless energy.

Finding the right pair

When I got fired I was not wearing the correct shoes. I knew it, felt it — and as a result others knew it and could feel it as well. I was invisible and expendable because people and others couldn’t see the real me. How could they? I couldn’t see the real me — that wonderful, beautiful human being who just happened to be wearing the wrong shoes — stiff, ugly, uncomfortable, heavy boots that made each step torturous, so I ended up motionless, avoided, stuck in a rut.

So finding the right shoes — your life’s purpose – is like getting the best gift anyone ever gave you for your birthday! And the excitement of getting this gift stays with you forever. You know it when you untie the knot from the bow, rip the wrapping off the box, open the lid and slide into the shoes that will take you on this great journey awaiting you – and you will enjoy every step!

And joining you on this journey are other beautiful people with whom you shared the gift of these glorious shoes and helped leap out of their respective ruts. Serendipity and spontaneity awaits your every step because you are aligned with your purpose, your life force. Your luck seems to have changed almost overnight – you meet the right people, go to the right places and make the right choices.

It’s not just luck

You can call it luck – but it’s really preparation for the opportunities that are now yours for the asking. You are generously supported by the Universe. Her goal is to make you even happier – and with these shoes the sky is the limit. And from that sky is shining the light of your brilliance, and true wealth and stability are raining down from every cloud’s silver lining.

If you want to be a part of this picture, you only have to begin the journey to find your life’s purpose. And for that journey, you need a really good pair of shoes. From the time you were born, your Higher Self and your Guardians worked hard guiding you. But along the way, around the time you stopped crawling and started walking, you became more and more at the mercy of others. Many loved you, your parents and grandparents for example, but they maybe didn’t have the right shoes either, so possibly made some bad ‘shoe choices’ for you. Not their fault!

Later on in life, you may have felt the pain of being rejected, failing a test, losing a race (again, bad shoes!), or getting fired. As we grow, we internalize these experiences and they become a part of who we are, and help to determine our life’s path. But these experiences themselves are not bad. However, your ego suffers, and you cry and internalize the pain – and the bitter memories find a home in the very core of your being.

The bigger picture and the way out

But let’s take a look at the bigger picture: Maybe you took that job just for the money, that it was something you felt you had to do to make a living, support yourself, your family? In the meantime, you were sidetracked from the true path of your life’s calling, trudging along a muddy, downward spiraling rut — in bad shoes no less!

Fortunately, I discovered a way out. As it turned out, getting fired five times in one year was a good thing — for me, and for you! Why? Because with my new shoes on, I am going to take your hand and lead you out of that rut and on a fantastic new journey. The first things you have to decide are, are you ready for a better life, are ready to be happy, are you ready to commit to doing the work of opening that birthday present that contains the new shoes that will lead you on your new path? Yes! Ok, here are some hints to help you on your way:

1.     Do what you love — Doing what you love makes you very happy and excited – something you look forward to. It can be a hobby, or even something you wanted to do when you were a kid. In my case I always found myself helping people with their life purpose and career – that was just a part of my nature. The actual revelation that this is my life purpose came to me at the last moment! So, look inside you, look around you — you might already have it and are likely already doing it.

Ask yourself: “What excites me?”

2.     Picture yourself doing what you love: Are you unhappy and bored with your job or business? How would you feel if you were able to make good money doing what you love to do? What are the possibilities for making good money doing what I love to do?
Can you see yourself doing what you love?

3.     Only you can make it happen: Like your feet, your life purpose is unique to you, and you are the only one that can make it happen. It took me many years to figure that out. Other professions didn’t fit (the wrong size shoes!) What I discovered after a long, painful journey is that my purpose is as an innovator. With the help of Quantum Healing I discovered how to rewrite my Money Blueprint, and found the right shoes for me.
Could I have made that difference 20 years ago?

4.     The shoes make the dancer: There are signs everywhere. You see bad job reviews, no bonus, your boss doesn’t appreciate you, disrespects you. He says: “Maybe you should try Dancing On the Stars?” How do you react to that? You fail the audition and you find yourself saying ”Poor me. Poor me. Poor me!” You didn’t realize it was just those bad shoes!
Take a deep breath, – “Dance you say?”

When you lose the sense of stability from getting fired or being downsized, you are adding to the history of rejection that can lead to further instability. Now is the time to start thinking and planning about how to create the job or business of your dreams. If that goal seems too distant or it’s too hard to bridge the gap between now and then – plan a course in the same industry and use your new shoes to get there. Even if it’s a part-time or low-salary job – you will be on the right road, and every day will bring you closer to your dream. You will feel much happier knowing you are doing what you love.

In the meantime, work on your business plan, do your research, and contemplate your unique idea. And to make your life more joyful and exciting, put those shoes on and go dancing on the stars!

Remember: you are supported by the Universe! You can move into a world full of new chances, new hopes — and yes — new shoes!

PS: I asked my friend Ralph Liberto to help me with proofreading of this article. Ralph not long ago had experienced this situation. Now Ralph is going through Money Blueprint Transformation Program tm and bringing up his talents. He is not only talented musician,writer, graphic designer, but  a humanitarian who stands up for the environmental protection of his homeland.   The article came out with a great additions and absolutely beautifully written (i am working on my language and writing skills!). I hope you enjoy and share with us your experiences and thoughts. I also ask you to support Ralph by letting him know how great he is writing and inspire him to finally publish his books. Are you with me?

Thank you.

PSS: I am here to inspire and help to overcome fears and doubts on your way to success. Please visit and discover the Money Blueprint Transformation Program that will help you to find your life purpose, open up your hidden talents, make more money, become ever more successful (and afford to buy more shoes!).

How to move with your career and make more money.
To find out more about Money Blueprint Transformation Program tm visit .

Money Blueprint Transformation Program tm offers a solution on how to move forward with your career and make more money in the shortest time possible.

Adam Czaplinski runs successful private massage therapy practice in New York City. He has God given gifts to be fully attuned with the client’s body. I was lucky to experience pain and stress relief on his table, therefore i highly recommend Adam to everyone! If you have a craving  for massage at this moment – call him now (845)238-1181.

Love, Alexandra

When we  come to this world – the World belongs to us. Our parents love the baby and  wish him to  become someone important or just to  be happy. As  we grow  up, we  assimilate the energy around us. The body  downloads  information about the world and money situation in the  family. Was  it a good situation? Our subconscious  mind   accepts this information as a pure truth about the world and money . This is how  the version of our parents beliefs and attitudes about abundance and wealth creation are  programmed in  us .

These  programs were passed down from generation to generation. Once in a while a   random spark of talent was breaking  through. Then Great Minds were  appearing  and helping Humankind to move  progress forward.

For a very long time in our history we weren’t allow to pursue our dreams. We did not have an access to the “remote control” and bank of information where we hold keys to our talents and possibilities. We forgot who we are . We  believed that we have no power.

These times are over. The Golden Era has started. The Green Light is on and Doors are opened for all of us. Today we have  access to  files of information that allow us to shine.Negative core beliefs about  money, self-image, your capability to harness your power, to have control of  money, to  speak the Truth, to deserve happiness and recognition  kept the doors closed. The doors are opened to the possibility to BE YOURSELF, SHINE YOUR TALENT and LIVE YOUR LIFE PURPOSE.

Today we are breaking the spell. With help of Quantum Healing we can find and eliminate in just minutes energies that are holding back your dreams.

Today you have an opportunity to change your family’s survival program and reprogram your Money Blueprint. You can change your subconscious core beliefs and eliminate traumatic memories .

Would you take a chance to see the solution outside of box? Would you allow yourself to live your life purpose?

If some of these resonate with you please allow me introduce the Money Blueprint Transformation Program. Please visit

Take advantage of a FREE SESSION with me and find out about your personal money trauma that holds back your dreams.

I am the One who opens the Doors. Would you use these Doors to walk in and meet your brilliant talented Self?

Love, Alexandra